SERIES’ WOMEN is the first career enhancement program for female producers in the European drama series industry, with its first edition having taken place from April-September 2021.

The 4th edition of SERIES' WOMEN will kick-off in late 2024 and will once again combine a broad variety of elements: the producers will participate in state-of-the-art training opportunities addressing topics such as visibility, leadership and digital entrepreneurship as well as receive curated 1-1 mentoring and pitching coaching. Networking opportunities at top European industry markets and direct access to decision makers and top industry players will complete the program.

By supporting selected female producers directly and boosting individual careers, SERIES' WOMEN sets off to increase the visibility and industry exposure of female producers and female-driven projects, supports the building of professional networks and strives to tackle underrepresentation in the industry in the general.

A unique part of the program is an online diversity training exclusively directed at hiring managers or respective decision makers in the producers’ companies. Through this training, SERIES’ WOMEN addresses the topic of gender equality and diversity not only at an individual level, but sets out to enable change at the organizational level and make companies more competitive and sustainable in the process.

Application Deadline08.10.2024
LocationOnline & On-site at various locations
DateNovember 2024 - March 2025
FormatLive online & on-site training, 1:1 mentoring & coaching, online courses, networking, market attendance
Target GroupFemale producers in the European drama series industry as well as hiring managers in the businesses of the participating producers
Participation Fee500 - 2.500 EUR
ScholarshipsScholarships and discounts available (see below)
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500.00 €
(inkl. 0% MwSt.)
inkl. Mwst.
Achtung! Dieses Produkt ist eine Sonderanfertigung und vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen!
Achtung! Dieses Produkt ist nicht erhältlich!
Diese/s Konfiguration/Produkt ist nur auf Anfrage erhältlich!
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500.00 €
(inkl. 0% MwSt.)
inkl. Mwst.

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to help guide you through your application, we have collected the most frequently asked questions.

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1. I don't have a designated hiring manager in my company for module 5. What are my options?

Module 5 is created for HR Manager or the person overseeing the hiring process respectively. If you as a participant in the program are also filling this position or responsibility in your company, then of course you are invited to participate in this module as well. If this is not the case, you can also nominate a person in this role who you know would benefit from it for their respective field or company, even though they are not working in your company.

2. Do I need a concrete project in order to participate in the program?

Yes, you need to have an unfinished series project that you apply with to the program. In your application, you need to provide some information about this project, so we can evaluate its quality during the selection process.

3. How much experience is necessary to apply for the program?

We expect our participants to have at least one producing credit in either film, short film, documentary or series. This is necessary since the program does not serve as an introduction into producing, so we expect our participants to have basic knowledge of the processes.

4. When will I find out if I have been selected for SERIES’ WOMEN?

We are aiming to let you know if you have been selected within 3-4 weeks after the application deadline. Please note that we are expecting a large number of applications, so it might take a while to properly assess them.

5.  What is included in the participation fee?

The fee covers all workshops as well as pitch coaching and mentoring sessions, access to selected EPI online courses, and accommodation and catering during the live workshops. We also cover the accommodation during the market visits as well as the accreditations. For teh workshops in Gothenburg, we offer 5 hotel nights (January 27-February 1) and for Series Mania, we offer 5 nights (March 16-21).

6. What is not included in the participation fee?

The fee does not include travel costs and meals during the market visits. Additionally, if you would like a second person staying in your hotel room with you, for example during a market visit, you will have to cover the additional costs yourself.

7. Do you already know who the mentors will be?

We want to make sure that mentor and mentee are a good fit, therefore we will wait with the final selection of mentors until the final selection of participants has been made. We want to select a mentor for each producer that aligns with their goals and wishes, so that it is the best experience possible for both mentee and mentor.

8. In what development stage does my unfinished series project need to be?

The project can be in an early development stage. It is beneficial if you can show your project reflects interest from the industry / financiers. If your project is already in production, please explain in your application why you are submitting this project.

9. How many people will be selected for the programme?

We aim for a small group of 15 participants (not including the hiring managers) to create an intimate atmosphere with the possibility to interact as much as possible.

your main benefits

How will you benefit from participating in SERIES' WOMEN?

How will you benefit from participating in SERIES' WOMEN?

  • Develop specific skills to advance your career, grow success and build resilience
  • Participate in three online and on-site workshops, led by experienced business coaches and industry experts
  • Receive up-to-date knowledge on the European drama series industry
  • Access a selection of EPI's innovative online courses on topics like negotiation, pitching, et. al.
  • Take advantage of exclusive networking opportunities within the group of fellow selected producers
  • Get curated 1:1 project feedback and career mentoring by a designated senior industry professional
  • Receive curated 1:1 pitching coaching by a designated and experienced pitching expert
  • Partake as a full delegate in two of the most crucial industry markets for drama series, TV Drama Vision 2023 and Series Mania Forum 2023 with various networking opportunities with potential partners
  • Get access to top industry professionals from across Europe and the US
  • For the participating hiring managers or decision makers: acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to support a shift towards more diverse hiring practices and help your company stay relevant and become more competitive

Experts & Facilitators

Annette Birkholz
Annette Birkholz
Creative Consultant, Coach, Facilitator, BOGENAKADEMIE Berlin, Germany
Raffaella Bonivento
Raffaella Bonivento
Independent Strategic Content Advisor, Learning Experience Designer, Executive Producer, Freelancer, Italy
Thea Mikkelsen
Thea Mikkelsen
Executive Coach & Consultant
Marike Muselaers
Marike Muselaers
Head of International Financing & Co-Productions, Nordisk Film Production, Sweden
Tatjana Samopjan
Tatjana Samopjan
Creative Development Consultant, Fractal Volcano, Sweden
Danna Stern
Danna Stern
Managing Director, In Transit Productions, Germany
Alexandra Streichfuss
Alexandra Streichfuss
Partner, SKW Schwarz, Germany
Helene Granqvist
Helene Granqvist
CEO / Pitch Coach / Producer at Nordic Factory Film and President of WIFTI, Sweden
Isabelle Lindberg Pechou
Isabelle Lindberg Pechou
Creative Producer, Media Consultant & Founder The Drama Agency, Denmark
Valeria Bullo
Valeria Bullo
Production Wellbeing and Inclusion Consultant, Cineminds Consultancy, UK

program elements for producers (Still subject to change)

Module 1: Creating Visibility
Dates: November 7-8 and 21-22 2024

  • Understanding who you are and what drives you
  • Handling interpersonal communication, conflicts and feedback
  • Presenting and communicating who you are
  • Building your profile and designing your future
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Live online workshop, 2x2 days

Module 2: Developing Visibility
Dates: November 2024 - March 2025

  • Access to a selection of EPI's innovative online courses
  • 1:1 pitching coaching from a designated pitching experts
  • 1:1 project and career mentoring from a designated mentor
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Self-study phase, 30-50 hours of learning/coaching

Module 3: Understanding the TV Drama Series Industry
Dates: January 25-30 2025

  • Finance and legal aspects of series production in Europe and beyond
  • Finding your audience and developing a marketing and distribution strategy
  • Access as full delegates to TV Drama Vision 2023 in Gothenburg
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On-site workshop & market attendance, 4 days (2 days workshop + 2 days market attendance)

Module 4: Navigating the Current World of Business, Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Dates: March 22-27 2025

  • Understanding, navigating and managing Innovation and Change
  • Leadership in the producing context, managing business & creative partners
  • Entrepreneurship and designing your career: transfer into practice
  • Access as full delegates to Series Mania Forum 2023 in Lille
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On-site workshop & market attendance, 4,5 days (2 days workshop + 2,5 days market attendance)

program elements for hiring managers (Still subject to change)

Module 5: Modern Gender Equality and Diversity Management
Dates: April 2025

  • Workshop for hiring managers or respective decision makers in the businesses of the participating producers to adress the issue of gender and diversity at the HR level
  • What is the point of gender equality and diversity management?
  • Implementing gender equality and diversity management in organizations
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Live online workshop, March 2024, 2 days

Participation fees

Participation Fees

The regular participation fee is 2.500,00 EUR. Various discounts and scholarships are available (see below).

We offer financing consultancy and financing plans to help producers enable their participation. Please contact us for further information. We encourage all applicants to seek financial support with their national/regional funding bodies.


Application Procedure

Application deadline is 16.09.2024.  Please contact us for more information.

Formal application requirements:

  • Female producers with a proven track record in the audiovisual industry and at least one producing credit (producer, executive producer, line producer or similar)
  • At least one long running or limited drama series project in development attached (up to 3 projects)
  • Please note applications cannot be saved mid-process or changed after submission

    Further information on the application and the selection process:

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    Application evaluation criteria:

    • The level of industry experience of the producer applying
    • The producer's motivation and reasons to be selected
    • The international, creative and commercial merits of the project(s)

    Selection process:

    • Applications will be reviewed by a designated committee which may include the program's partners
    • All applicants will be informed about the status of their application in due time
    • If selected, information may be taken from the application form for publishing in print materials or in press releases (where stated and subject to the selected producer's revisions).

    Application information to be submitted:

    1.  Personal and Contact Information
    2.  Professional or Employment Information (incl. a professional biography, max. 1200 characters ~200 words,        incl. spaces)
    3.  Information About the Nominated Hiring Manager (incl. a professional biography, max. 1200 characters ~200   words, incl. spaces)
    4.  Your Motivation to Apply
      1.   Letter of motivation // Questions to address: Why is this program important for you and your career at this moment in time? Why should we select you? What are your professional goals for the next ten years? (max. 1000 characters, incl. spaces)
      2.   Ideal mentor(s) (up to 3 names and explanations)
    5.   Scholarships | Financing (incl. a letter of motivation, max. 1000 characters, incl. spaces)
    6.   Main Credits on Realized Projects (min.1, max. 3)
      1.   Original title, international title, format, genre
      2.   Year of release, your position (as credited)
      3.   Project IMDb / website, project trailer
      4.   Festivals / name, year, awards (if any)
    7.  Project(s) you are bringing to SERIES' WOMEN (drama series or limited drama series; min. 1, max. 3)
      1.   Original title, international title, format, genre
      2.   Your position / role in the project
      3.   Logline (max. 500 characters, ~ 75 words, incl. spaces)
      4.   Synopsis (max. 1800 characters, ~ 270 words, incl. spaces)
      5.   Based on, shooting language, shooting location(s), shooting start, development stage
      6.   Total budget (EUR), budget per episode (EUR); Number of episodes
      7.   Project website/ URL, project trailer
      8.   Elements seeking (financing, location, post, talent, etc.) (max. 250 characters, ~ 40 words, incl. spaces)
      9.   Confirmed Financing (financier, amount)
      10.   Attached talent and key team members (name, role in project, IMDb link / website, bio)

    Scholarships and discounts

    Scholarships and discounts

    Partner scholarships

    Thanks to the support of our industry partners, we are pleased to offer reduced participation fees to selected producers based in the following regions:

    • Belgium (supported by VAF): one seat à 500 EUR
    • Switzerland (supported by FOCAL): one seat à 500 EUR
    • Ireland (supported by Screen Ireland): one seat à 500 EUR

    MEDIA scholarships

    A limited number of mostly partial scholarships will be available for nationals of the following countries, thanks to our Creative Europe - MEDIA funding: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

    Participants from countries that are not part of European Union's MEDIA initiative may still be eligible for a scholarship depending on their participation in the MEDIA strand. These countries include: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Ukraine.

    EPI scholarship

    The Erich Pommer Institut encourages cultural and social diversity in their training activities and welcomes everyone to take part in our programs - regardless of their ethnic and social background, disability, or age. The EPI Scholarship sets out to ensure that our participants come from varied backgrounds and creates opportunities for those from marginalized groups and those who may otherwise not be able to participate.

    EWA Network, WIFTI and European Producers Club Discounts

    Thanks to our partners EWA Network - European Women's Audiovisual Network and WIFTI (Women in Film & Television International), we are offering discounts of 100 EUR for one selected member of each organization.

    EAVE Alumna Discount

    Thanks to our partner EAVE, we are offering a 100 EUR discount for one selected alumna.

    Please indicate in the application form if you want to apply for a scholarship.

    Please note scholarships and discounts are non-combinable.

    Impressions from the second edition of Series' women (2022/23)

    what former participants say

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    Dina Rubanovitš
    Dina Rubanovitš
    Head of International Training & Business Strategy
    +49 (0) 331 76 99 15 06 | dr@epi.media
    Mathias Barkhausen
    Mathias Barkhausen
    Project Manager International Training
    +49 (0) 331 76 99 15 36 | mb@epi.media
    Victoria Vosseberg
    Victoria Vosseberg
    Project Assistant International Training
    +49 (0) 331 76 99 15 02 | vv@epi.media
    Event Partner
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