media.think.tank 2020


Chances and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence for the Media Industry

The third edition of the media.think.tank: AI and Film - Current Opportunities and Challenges for the Media Industry (original title: KI und Film – Aktuelle Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Medienindustrie) will tackle and focus on the recent changes, expected gains and risks deriving from the developments in artificial intelligence. The one-day international conference will deal with AI based products and services and their benefits and challenges for the film and media industry. Organizers are the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and the Erich Pommer Institute. The conference is aiming at practitioners and researchers in this field alike. Due to the current Corona virus situation we will host this conference in a hybrid style, combining on-air streaming with live moderations from Berlin. The media.think.tank is a series of conferences and publications that provides a forum for knowledge transfer and networking of the media industry, politics and science on current topics. Previous conferences in this series were: BigData. BigMovies - How Algorithms change the Film and TV Industry (2016) and film | innovation | economics - The Film Industry as a Driver for Innovations in Economics and Society? (2018).

LocationOnline | Live broadcast from the state presentation Brandenburg in Berlin
DateSeptember 29, 2020 (Registration deadline Sept. 28nd, 12:00 pm)
LanguageMainly German | Selected Slots in English
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Every production process in the film- and TV production, from generating ideas to post production via sales and marketing, can benefit from AI generated tools to control them in a better and more effective way. At the same time these new technologies are confronting us with complex new challenges, e.g. the change of standards in legal as well as in biased and ethical questions.

The conference will deal with the effects of AI systems on film and media production in the following areas: script development, film editing, pre-production processes, packaging, financing, distribution and marketing. Current AI tools and technologies will be presented by AI service providers and their applicability will be discussed with experts from science and the industry.

The conference is comprised of three thematic components:

PART 1: AI Systems and Practical Implementation

PART 2: Legal and Ethical Parameters of AI

PART 3: Strategy Development for Implementing AI in SME

Content et al.:

  • AI, machine learning, NLP (Natural Language Processing), artificial neural networks – comprehensive introduction
  • AI in the moving image industry - new business models, influence on the value chain
  • AI and creativity
  • Interaction between humans and AI - AI-supported decision-making
  • Labor market effects in film and TV production
  • Data security and data protection
  • Financing models and funding opportunities for the use of AI
  • AI and the legal status – national and European rules and regulatory requirements of copyright
  • Ethics of Algorithms


09:00 Opening

Prof. Dr. Susanne Stürmer, Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

09:10 Conference Introduction

Vera Linß, Media Journalist, DLF Kultur | Torsten Zarges, reporter-in-chief, DWDL

09:20 OPENING KEYNOTE: AI and its Effect on the World of Work

Björn Böhning, State Secretary of the Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs


PART 1: AI Systems and Practical Implementation

10:00 KEYNOTE & SPEECH: Artificial Intelligence: History, Technologies, Challenges (with Q&A)

Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler, DFKI

10:45 PANEL: AI Implementation in the Film Industry (with Q&A)

Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler, DFKI

Erwin M. Schmidt, German Producers Guild

Michael Keusgen, ellamedia

Sami Arpa,


PART 2: Legal and Ethical Parameters of AI

11:30 Opening Part 2

Philipp Künstle, Erich Pommer Institute

11:45 KEYNOTE & SPEECH: Ethics of Algorithms (with Q&A)

Prof. Joanna Bryson, Hertie School of Governance

12:30 LECTURE: Copyright and AI and Examples for AI Creations in Film and Media Indistry

Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, Leibniz University Hannover

13:00 Lunch | Expert Meetings 1:1 | Networking

14:00 PANEL: Legal and Ethical Questions of AI

Ramak Molavi, Lawyer, Policy Advisor

Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, Leibniz University Hannover

Irina Orssin, DG CONNECT

Prof. Dr. Peter Seele, University of Lugarno


PART 3: Value Creation Poential of AI

14:45 Computational Tools for Interactive Narrative.
Prof. Dr. Robert Sumner, The Walt Disney Studios & ETH Zurich

15:15 HANDS ON - Task Forces on AI in the Media Production, Requirements for its Implementation and the Consequences on the Media Industry
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stober, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dr. Dirk Maroni, Head of Information Management at WDR
Tobias Queisser, Cinelytic

15:45 Coffee Break | Task Forces

16:00 Wrap Up: Presentation of Task Force Results

16:20 Digital Market Place: AI Service Provider present their Strategy

Tobias Queisser, Cinelytics

Eugen Gross,


17:45 END

Expert Meetings | 1-on-1 Sessions

During the conference attendees have the opportunity to meet some of our experts in limited 1:1 sessions.

Please note: first come first served.

To book a session follow the link below.


Vera Linß
Vera Linß
Medienjournalistin, Deutschlandradio und ARD-Hörfunk
Torsten Zarges
Torsten Zarges
Chefreporter | DWDL, Managing Partner | Zarges creative talent connection

Part 1

Part 1: AI Systems and Practical Implementation

AI Systems carry many development potentials for the media industry. But how do these technologies work, which applications can be used right now und how do future developments look like? Which potentials are offered by AI systems regarding value chains, workplaces and processes? And what technological, financial and political frameworks are needed?


Björn Böhning
Björn Böhning
Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales
Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler
Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler
Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des Forschungsbereichs Algorithmic Business and Production am Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)
Sami Arpa
Sami Arpa
Founder and CEO of LARGO
Michael Keusgen
Michael Keusgen
Produzent , Gründer und Geschäftsführer Ella Media
Erwin M. Schmidt
Erwin M. Schmidt
Producer/Innovation Expert/Co-Founder, Cinemathon International, Germany

Part 2

Part 2: Legal and Ethical Parameters of AI

AI Systems are data-driven and dependent on the data, by which they are fed. Which makes it even more important to collect and analyse reliable data and to use it responsibly. Safety and security must be guaranteed. Most notably when it comes to intellectual property the risk of breaching copyrights or personal rights is high. How can a responsible dealing with AI Systems be managed? Which ethical standards are needed? And furthermore, what societal repercussions can be expected?


Ramak Molavi Vasse’i
Ramak Molavi Vasse’i
Rechtsanwältin für digitale Rechte und Policy Advisor | The Law Technologist | Germany
Prof. Joanna Bryson, PhD
Prof. Joanna Bryson, PhD
Hertie School of Governance
Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, LL.M. (Cambridge)
Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, LL.M. (Cambridge)
Professor | Universität Heidelberg
Irina Orssich
Irina Orssich
DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology | European Commission
Prof. Dr. Peter Seele
Prof. Dr. Peter Seele
Universität Lugano

Part 3

Part 3: Strategy Development for Implementing AI in SME

The rapid change of the digital world is a challenge for all film and televisions businesses in general. An AI roadmap with innovative concepts, thinking far beyond products, technologies and services is needed to tackle the upcoming challenges with new visions, business models and strategies. Hands-On working groups under the leadership of varying experts will elaborate and discuss the possible use and implication of AI and the therewith linked impact on the media. Successful service providers will present their strategies and are going to open up for questions from the audience.


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stober
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stober
Professor für Künstliche Intelligenz | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Tobias Queisser
Tobias Queisser
Co-Founder & CEO | Cinelytic
Eugen Gross
Eugen Gross
CEO & Co-Founder, aiconix GmbH
Dirk Maroni
Dirk Maroni
Leiter Informationsmanagement, WDR
Robert Sumner
Robert Sumner
Director of Research, The Walt Disney Studios | Associate Lab Director of DisneyResearch|Studios & Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich

Contact Persons

Annett Ochmann
Annett Ochmann
Project Manager National Training
+49 (0) 331.769 915-15 |
Presenting Partners
Funded by
In cooperation with
Kooperationspartner und Co-Veranstalter Networking-Event
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