Back in spring 2000, marketing scholar and film industry manager Bruce Mallen initiated what with time became “The Mallen Conference”. Since then, this unique and high-profile gathering has taken place at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale), UCLA (Los Angeles), Yale (New Haven), and Yeshiva University and NYU (both New York). For its 20th anniversary, the conference hits European ground for the first time, this year being co-hosted by Film University Babelsberg and Münster University.
From the very beginning, the idea of The Mallen Conference has been to explore the entertainment industry, its creations, mechanisms, and decisions in a deliberately interdisciplinary way, using rigorous statistical methods, empirical data, theoretical thinking, and managerial insights. It is a small-scale, invitation-only event that consists of (a) scholarly research presentations and (b) interactive formats where academics and industry professionals debate current issues. A special element of this year’s jubilee event will be a Thought Leaders Workshop at which small groups of scholars and managers aim to develop solutions for the film industry’s most pressing challenges.
As Mallen20 intends to enable vivid discussions and high-quality research ideas, it is an invitation-only event. Nevertheless, if you are a scholar with a strong interest in filmed entertainment or an entertainment industry professional who would like to participate, please feel free to contact conference co-chair Thorsten Hennig-Thurau at