Extra-occupational training with certificate

Business Today

In cooperation between Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Universität Potsdam and the Erich Pommer Institut

Individual module of the master´s program

The module Business Today in extra-occupational education European Film Business and Law offers a 4-day workshop on Contemporary Economics in Film and TV, Corporate Finance and Investment.

This module is one of 12 modules of the master´s program and can be taken individually. The scope of learning corresponds to 6 ECTS and is completed with a certificate. Optionally an examination can also be taken to enable credit transfer.

TypeIndividual Module | 4 days in two blocks
LocationOnline via Zoom
Date28.-29.03. (Fri-Sat) & 25.-26-04.2025 (Fri-Sat)
Business Today
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Early Bird until 14.03.2025
2,100.00 €
1,600.00 €
(inkl. 0% MwSt.)
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Early Bird until 14.03.2025
2,100.00 €
1,600.00 €
(inkl. 0% MwSt.)
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Sophokles Tasioulis
Sophokles Tasioulis
CEO | MovieLedger
Prof. Dr. Conrad Heberling
Prof. Dr. Conrad Heberling
Professor Marketing and Market Research | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF | Germany
Milena Jankovic
Milena Jankovic
VP, Strategic Planning & Finance | FilmNation Entertainment

Further lecturers will be confirmed soon and published here.

module content

Topics of the first block (01/02 March 2024) include

  • Contemporary Economics in Film & TV
  • Strategic & Market Analysis

Topics of the second block (15 March 2024) include

  • Mission Statement
  • USP
  • Lean Business Model Canvas
  • Financial modelling & planning tools
  • Sustainability

target group


For each individual module, you have the opportunity to take a voluntary examination at the end of the module. This enables you to take advantage of various credit transfer options when starting the complete Master's programme in European Film Business and Law (admission is a prerequisite for this).

Possibilities for crediting if you pass a voluntary examination

Start of the programme within one year after participation in a single module

  • Offsetting of the individual module price against the total price of the degree programme
  • Creditability of 6 ECTS

Start of study programme later than one year after participation in a single modul

  • Creditability of 6 ECTS

Target Group

  • Business and legal professionals 
  • kreativ tätige Medienschaffende, die ihre wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Kenntnisse vertiefen möchten
  • Executives from European and international audiovisual companies active across the value chain, i.e. in production, sales or marketing companies, distributors, broadcasters, platforms, festivals, film institutes and law firms
  • professionals seeking to enter the industry
  • creative audiovisual professionals who want to deepen their economic and legal knowledge
  • graduates of related study programs, incl. film schools as well as young professionals

further information

The master's programme

Film – Legal ­– Business

The executive master's degree program European Film Business and Law LL.M. | MBA equips professionals and executives in film and TV with the necessary skills and tools to master those challenges with competence, ensuring the sustainable development of their companies and an overall dynamic market growth in Europe. The program offers comprehensive insights into the European audiovisual and entertainment landscape from a business as well as a legal perspective. Next to top-class academic expertise, the program offers a significant amount of practice-relevant knowledge, interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, as well as access to top industry experts and their networks.

The master´s program is designed for employees and companies of the media and film industry.

The application deadline for the next intake starting in the winter semester 2025/26 is 31 July 2025.


Katriina Miola
Katriina Miola
Project manager European Film Business and Law LL.M. | MBA
+49 (0) 331 76 99 15 28 | km@epi.media
Laura Speicher
Laura Speicher
Project Coordinator European Film Business and Law LL.M. | MBA
+49 (0) 331 76 99 15 23 | ls@epi.media
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