- Understanding different forms of innovation
- Understanding innovation
- Dealing with complex environments
- Using innovation as a tool
Understanding agile work modes
Understanding agile mindset and processes
- Understanding the basic principles of agile processes like Design Thinking, Business Model Development and Scrum

eTraining - media expertise on the go
eTraining | Agile Innovation Management - Mindset and Methods in a Nutshell
Boost your career anytime, anywhere and on any device.
Your Guide to Agile Innovation Management
In times of constant change, innovation is crucial to remain competitive. This online course will explain how to make use of uncertainty as a tool for innovation by working with Design Thinking, Scrum and Business Model Development.
- Characteristics of innovation
- Basics of Agile Innovation Management
- Overview on agile Mindset and Work Modes
- Models like the Three Horizon Model, Stacey Matrix and Cynefin Framework
- Design Thinking
- Business Model Development
- Scrum
Date | anytime | access for 6 months |
Format | Online Course | 6 chapters | 21 videos | 5-7 h learning time |
Language | English (English subtitles) |
Participation Fee | 300,00 EUR |
Certificate | yes |
eTraining | Agile Innovation Management - Mindset and Methods in a Nutshell
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Trailer & Previews
Trailer eTraining | Agile Innovation Management
Design Thinking explained by Flavia Bleuel
Agile processes explained by Nele Fischer
Teaser eTraining | Agile Innovation Management
Course overview
What you will learn
What Participants saY about our eTrainings(Refer to etraining | European Co-Production)
- Congratulations for this wonderful and very well explained course. All the chapters are really useful and the videos and the tutors are top class.David Canelo, Indomable Pictures, Producer, Spain
- After just five minutes on the e-learning platform I was hooked. To my pleasant surprise the video training is very useful.Todor Velev, Evil Frames, Producer/Director, Bulgaria
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eTraining | Agile Innovation Management - Mindset and Methods in a Nutshell
- 6 chapters
- 21 videos | approx. 2 h video material
- total learning time: approx. 5 - 7 h
- access is valid for one person on three devices for six months starting from the purchase date
Company packages available - contact us for details!
What is an eTraining?
Learn anytime and at your own pace
- Flexible time management
- Summaries for download
Update your knowledge – anywhere and on any device
- Learn in your preferred environment
Benefit from a new learning experience
- High quality course material including numerous hours of studio-shot videos
Learn from the best
- Detailed information, practical tips and business insights by acclaimed experts
Save time and money
- Cost- and time-efficient
- Do not miss valuable office time
- Save travel and hotel costs